I have fallen head over my new leopard heels in love with pro markers! I did this quick drawing/illustration last night and you can be expecting plenty more! I have always been painting and drawing, mostly acrylics, but never gotten into markers before yesterday. It is so fun and so challenging. I love taking on new tasks and learning new skills, it inspires me. To me inspiration doesn't just show up one day, I have to just get into it and then the inspiration always follows. That is why painting and photography goes hand in hand for me. I get inspiration for my photoshoots when I paint and vice versa :) Hope you like!
(I know the heels don't go well with my dress but I just wanted to show my new find to ya)
Here is what I wore today in this 90 degree weather. I like combining colors of opposites (is that the correct term?) like yellow and purple. The Swedish part of the outfit today was the lace skirt I got in Atlanta from h&m! Hope you are having a wonderful day and staying hydrated, especially if you are located in hot hot Tennessee!