Entries from April 1, 2012 - April 30, 2012
at the shooting range

I was very skeptical when we were invited to go shoot guns at a shooting range by some friends of ours. As a kid, I was in an air rifle club and was actually pretty good, but I am not a fan of guns in general so I didn't think it would be for me. I really don't like the gun laws here in America and am not a fan of hunting for fun either. I have the mindset that "easy access" to guns will only cause problems than security. Anyway... I had a blast! I was surprised I enjoyed it so much, big adrenalin kick! Don't worry, im not gonna buy a gun. I am sticking with shooting guns at the range for fun, not owning one for protection. I think owning a gun would make me more scared of getting robbed than anything, almost like its expected. Does that make sense to anyone else but me? ;)
From now on you can call me Celi Mosley 007.
a sneak peak from Tori & Tom's wedding

I love Tori and Tom! Their love for eachother is inspiring..
more to come...
I work it out

What is better than hittin the gym on a Saturday morning?! Probably alot of things.. But I know I will feel pretty amazing the rest of the day so here we go!
in the hamster wheel

Getting stuff done today! I am working on a video from Nashville Fashion Week, editing photos from last weekends rooftop wedding, editing headshots and prepping for tomorrows Dove Award show in Atlanta! Busy busy bee!
We are driving down to Atlanta tomorrow early morning and gonna spend the first part of the day at some of my favorite places; H&M and IKEA. MAN, how I've missed them! It sucks that we don't have them in Nashville, eventhough rumors have said we will get them soon but I don't believe it until I see it. I cant wait to get some swedish food in my belly and some swedish fashion on my body ;) We are getting some new barstools for our kitchen bar at IKEA too, hopefully they'll have some cool ones!
Wish us luck for the Dove Awards tomorrow! I am so proud of my husband for his nomination. I will post pictures!
All business like!
Lets get things done!