Here is what I wore today in this 90 degree weather. I like combining colors of opposites (is that the correct term?) like yellow and purple. The Swedish part of the outfit today was the lace skirt I got in Atlanta from h&m! Hope you are having a wonderful day and staying hydrated, especially if you are located in hot hot Tennessee!
Getting stuff done today! I am working on a video from Nashville Fashion Week, editing photos from last weekends rooftop wedding, editing headshots and prepping for tomorrows Dove Award show in Atlanta! Busy busy bee!
We are driving down to Atlanta tomorrow early morning and gonna spend the first part of the day at some of my favorite places; H&M and IKEA. MAN, how I've missed them! It sucks that we don't have them in Nashville, eventhough rumors have said we will get them soon but I don't believe it until I see it. I cant wait to get some swedish food in my belly and some swedish fashion on my body ;) We are getting some new barstools for our kitchen bar at IKEA too, hopefully they'll have some cool ones!
Wish us luck for the Dove Awards tomorrow! I am so proud of my husband for his nomination. I will post pictures!
All business like!
Lets get things done!
One of my favorite designer brands is BCBG. I just love their well made and well fitted clothes and shoes. Remember I was looking for a dress for the Dove awards? I searched everywhere and couldn't really find anything that I loved. I looked at Posh, Nordstrom, Dillard's, Macy's and online. My best friend and I had a much needed date a few weekends ago and she was helping me to look for THE dress, and we found it! We found the dress at Belk, of all places. She was such a good help and we had so much fun! I'm so thankful for my friend.
I found these lovely cobalt colored shoes from BCBG that will add a pop of color to the more neutral dress. Im also planning on wearing lashes and red lipstick, pretty brave huh? Very unlike me, but I like it :)
What do you think of the shoes?
Silver dress with some sequin. From the beginning I wanted the whole dress to be sequin but this one changed my mind ;) like it?
Hot red lipstick and lashes to complete the look! I will make sure to post photos from the awards so you can see the final outfit :)
The awards is in Atlanta, April 19th, and I'm gonna go to IKEA and h&m the day after to satisfy my Swedish urges ;)
Here's a few photos I took on a very cold day last week. I wanted the photos to feel like an h&m ad married the 60's.. I love shooting downtown and I have a big crush on in-the-middle-of-the-street type of photos. Don't know why but there is something about the feeling about being in the middle of the road, making choices...