Here is what I wore today in this 90 degree weather. I like combining colors of opposites (is that the correct term?) like yellow and purple. The Swedish part of the outfit today was the lace skirt I got in Atlanta from h&m! Hope you are having a wonderful day and staying hydrated, especially if you are located in hot hot Tennessee!
Getting stuff done today! I am working on a video from Nashville Fashion Week, editing photos from last weekends rooftop wedding, editing headshots and prepping for tomorrows Dove Award show in Atlanta! Busy busy bee!
We are driving down to Atlanta tomorrow early morning and gonna spend the first part of the day at some of my favorite places; H&M and IKEA. MAN, how I've missed them! It sucks that we don't have them in Nashville, eventhough rumors have said we will get them soon but I don't believe it until I see it. I cant wait to get some swedish food in my belly and some swedish fashion on my body ;) We are getting some new barstools for our kitchen bar at IKEA too, hopefully they'll have some cool ones!
Wish us luck for the Dove Awards tomorrow! I am so proud of my husband for his nomination. I will post pictures!
All business like!
Lets get things done!