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Entries in bcgb (1)

BCBG and Dove awards

One of my favorite designer brands is BCBG. I just love their well made and well fitted clothes and shoes. Remember I was looking for a dress for the Dove awards? I searched everywhere and couldn't really find anything that I loved. I looked at Posh, Nordstrom, Dillard's, Macy's and online. My best friend and I had a much needed date a few weekends ago and she was helping me to look for THE dress, and we found it! We found the dress at Belk, of all places. She was such a good help and we had so much fun! I'm so thankful for my friend. 

I found these lovely cobalt colored shoes from BCBG that will add a pop of color to the more neutral dress. Im also planning on wearing lashes and red lipstick, pretty brave huh? Very unlike me, but I like it :) 

What do you think of the shoes?

Silver dress with some sequin. From the beginning I wanted the whole dress to be sequin but this one changed my mind ;) like it?

Hot red lipstick and lashes to complete the look! I will make sure to post photos from the awards so you can see the final outfit :)

The awards is in Atlanta, April 19th, and I'm gonna go to IKEA and h&m the day after to satisfy my Swedish urges ;)