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post workout protein

Dont forget the post workout protein guys!

And dont forget to hit the gym ;)

Drawing with Promarkers 

Its getting better and better I think! Its so different to use markers from Acrylic paint. Its crazy fun though! :)

I used primsmacolor markers, pigment liners and oil based paint marker.

Do you recognize this girl from a big ad?

beach and knits

A little sneak peak from the photoshoot yesterday with Jill Brooks. We were shooting new promo material for her music projects. She is a very talented singer. Go buy her newly released album on iTunes!

head over heels

I have fallen head over my new leopard heels in love with pro markers! I did this quick drawing/illustration last night and you can be expecting plenty more! I have always been painting and drawing, mostly acrylics, but never gotten into markers before yesterday. It is so fun and so challenging. I love taking on new tasks and learning new skills, it inspires me. To me inspiration doesn't just show up one day, I have to just get into it and then the inspiration always follows. That is why painting and photography goes hand in hand for me. I get inspiration for my photoshoots when I paint and vice versa :) Hope you like!
(I know the heels don't go well with my dress but I just wanted to show my new find to ya)

smoky mountains 

Me and my husband left town last thursday for a mini vacation to get away from Nashville, work and to de-stress and spend time with eachother. We spent the first night in Chattanooga at our favorite spot the Delta Queen, an old steam boat that serves as a beautiful hotel on the river. It was so relaxing to fall asleep to the sound of waves. After a nights sleep we set off to the smoky mountains to enjoy some quiet time in the woods. We went fishing, hiking and riding horses and just had the best time together! There is nothing in this world that I enjoy more than to have quality time with my best friend. One of the high's of our trip was when Seth caught a rainbow trout that we prepared and had for dinner that same night. It was SO delicious!

After a whole weekend of being out in the nature enjoying amazing scenery and peacefulness together we are ready for a week of work again. Its so important to recharge batteries and slow down to be able to stay creative! I found some new inspiration that I will take with me entering into this new week.

Here are some photos from our trip!



our little friends.. we were surrounded by butterflies! They landed on us, our shoes and backpacks.

Beautiful hiking in national park

We stayed in an amazing log cabin that had a hot tub on the sundeck. 

Seth caught a rainbow trout that we had for dinner! It was DELICIOUS!

We ended a perfectly relaxing weekend with a horseback ride in the woods.

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