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Entries in Music (5)

something fun arrived in the mail!

A couple of days ago I got something fun in the mailbox, a little package containing Greg Coffey's new cd that I shot the photos for and did the package design and logo design for! So excited to show you my very first cd design. I am really glad how it turned out, I think it looks awesome. Go check out his new cd on iTunes and buy yourself a copy! :)

Anthem lights in the studio

Had a blast working with these guys, as you can tell :) can't wait to show you the final photos!

greg coffey photos

I had the pleasure to work with new artist Greg Coffey a few weeks ago and shooting his album cover and designing his new cd. It was awesome! Greg is a crazy talented guy who reminds me of John Mayer and Beach Boys. He played pretty much everything on his album and produced it all himself. You should go to iTunes and check out his brand new debut album and BUY IT! :)

Copyright Celi Mosley Media 2012.



beach and knits

A little sneak peak from the photoshoot yesterday with Jill Brooks. We were shooting new promo material for her music projects. She is a very talented singer. Go buy her newly released album on iTunes!

live show

Photos from tonights show..