Entries in Tori Nelson (1)
the ramblings

Hey guys!
Let me tell you something exciting! In April I have the honour of photographing a special girl's BIG DAY. I am really looking forward to it as I know it will be a fun and very creative day. This girl, Tori, decided that the readers of her very awesome blog, "the ramblings", would be a part of making the decisions for her wedding day. Her readers get to vote on things like what the bridesmaids should wear, decorations and color schemes, menu and more. What a fun idea! Her sense of humor and engaging writing keeps you coming back and wanting to read more. Here's a little sample from her blog on what her readers are helping with:
"Not too long ago, we talked about an original concept to display a little slice of the blogosphere at the wedding. For my part? Well, I’ll make a wall of ribbons to be the focal point of decor. Your part? Per usual, I left the serious cleverness up to you guys. You can send your small notes, lyrics, pictures, doodles, collages, post cards, anything-sans-anthrax trinkets to my very mysterious PO Box, and your contribution will be featured on the Wonder Wall."
I think its pretty clever! :) I am a person who struggles with making decisions, just ask my husband.. ;) I don't know if I would have been brave enough to do what she is doing, but I love the idea!
She did a big feature on me and my photography on her blog the other day and I thought I would share it with you! I feel very honoured and flattered and can't wait to be a part of her very bloggy wedding :) And her Swedish is pretty awesome too ;)
Thanks Tori for the <3