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Entries in Peter Furler (3)


..playing around in photoshop with a photo from a recent photoshoot while waiting for the video to render so I can keep editing the Peter Furler video...

Is there any photoshop tricks/camera stuff you want me to share with you?


Music video it begins! Exciting day ahead!

Lazy Monday

Lazy, nice Monday.. Went shopping with my mother in law and got some great finds, updated my fall wardrobe. :) it's been a really relaxing long weekend and I'm not quite ready to go back to the busyness of Nashville yet.. I am however excited for the next couple of days where I will be shooting a few videos for Peter Furler, instrumental music videos, and then I will be traveling with my husband and his band to Germany and Switzerland. I'm stoked that I get to travel so much!
Hope u guys had a great weekend!