Entries in lchf (3)
strong is the new skinny
I have always been very interested in health and fitness and been going to the gym for years. This year I decided that I wanted to take my body to the next level and get more buff, toned and more muscles. I have always enjoyed lifting heavy weights and I believe that is the best thing you can do if you want to stay in good shape and stay fit. Women don't bulk up and get huge if they lift heavy weights, which some women think. We don't have the genes for it and we have to be very intentional and work very hard to get big. I however just want to be more toned and have more defined muscles and been tracking my results for a few months now.
I got a big surprise when I stood on the scale this morning and it showed +4 kgs (8 lb)! Wow, in just a few months I have put on 4 kg muscle mass! Woho! :) At first I was shocked about having gained so much weight, but then I realized that its muscle mass and that weighs alot more than fat, cause my clothes still fit perfectly!
All that hard work in the gym pays off in the end :) I love the feeling I get after a really heavy sweaty session at the gym, not much beats that feeling!
proud of my little growing "bun";)
the food revolution
Hey guys!
I know there has been a few of food entries here lately but that's because I am very passionate about eating healthy and getting peoples attention to changing their way of eating and getting healthy. There is a big "revolution" going on right now in Sweden, where I am from, and that is the discussion about eating low carb and high fat. In Sweden, there is a term for this, LCHF which naturally stands for Low Carb High Fat.
I just wanted you guys to have this information as I know so many people in Sweden that has been helped and been able to loose weight and get off their diabetes medicine by eating this way.
My husband recently decided to give it a try after I have been telling him about this for a few years now. I myself have been eating LCHF for 3 years and have never been healthier. My husband has been eating lchf for 1,5 months and has lost 20 pounds already. He was far from being over weight but wanted to feel healthy. This is not a diet, its a lifestyle which takes some effort getting used to in the beginning but once you get the hang of it, you'll see results quickly. Eating LCHF regulates your body back to its natural weight, the weight your body is the most comfortable with. So, if you are overweight that means you will loose weight.
If you want to know more about this, check out this video (i know its long but worth it) and visit this website.
Thanks for checking in! :)
One word - Fathead (the documentary)
One link - http://www.dietdoctor.com/category/weight-loss
Check it out people and be amazed how wrongly we've been thought by the government about food and obesity.
If you are struggling with overweight and tired of diets that makes you starve, low carb - high fat is the way to go. I've been eating like this for years and my checkups at the doctor has been great every time. (and I'm eating bacon, sausage and eggs every morning ;))
Good luck!