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live shots

I really love shooting live shows because they are challenging with the fast phase and instant moments that pushes me to be alert and creative and on my toes throughout the show. I love when the crowd goes wild and people are having a great time together, sharing a passion for music.

Here are some shots from a Manafest show from the Superchick:Reinvention tour this past fall.



















me in motion

A shot from a Me In Motion concert recently.

Have a great Tuesday y'all! ;)




peter furler

I got the opportunity to take some shots of Peter Furler and my husband Seth when they were working in the studio in Florida. Here are a few samples for you.. :)

Be sure to check out Peter Furler's new single "Reach" on his facebook page, to get a preview before it goes to radio on march 25th!



earth hour

While on the subject... check out this website and learn how you can contribute, in a VERY EASY way, to a better environment.

It is basically to shut all your lights off, electrical supplies, in your home for ONE HOUR starting at 8.30 on march 26th. Doesn't sound too hard right? I have done this for a few years now and hearing how many people that are engaged in this "event" each year makes me feel like it is really worth it!

Check out this YouTube video to see what its all about and what YOU can do!