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hard work work

Thought I would show you what I am currently working on..

Model: Feltonia Smith - singer/songwriter




digital magic

My # 1 worktool is my camera. My # 2 worktool is photoshop. It is really amazing how much you can create and add your creative touch in photoshop if you have the right skills to use it. I am learning every day on my own and haven't had any training. And why would you when everything you need to know is online! The internet is my school and I dont pay a dime. Here is an example of what you can accomplish with a few creative ideas and some photoshop skills..

Model: Katie Napier, Makeup/hair: Joel Green





big brown eyes

Long time no blog! I have been busy shooting, editing and traveling the past week! I had a really awesome Easter with friends in Pennsylvania.

Thought I would post a few photos from a recent photoshoot of a beautiful girl that I did headshots for a few weeks ago. She does commercials and needed new photos for her portfolio. Her mom and her were really sweet and it was a fun shoot.





getting ready for Aussie

A few days ago, I was chillin at SIR with my husband when they rehearsed for Peter Furler's debut show in Australia. I got some cool photos and thought I would give you a little "behind the scenes" peak.

If you haven't bought it yet - go to iTunes and get the new single "Reach" with Peter Furler! It's grrrreeeaaat! :)

The guys and Peter and Summer Furler is right now in LA waiting to get on the plane for Aussie. Pray for safe travels! Have a good Easter to you all! Eat some eggs :)



One of my favorite models to shoot of all time is my husband. (Wonder why, eh? ;) ) I chose to call this blog post "close" because there is something intimate and vulnerable about these photos. I get a feeling of closeness when I look at these photos, not just because Seth is my husband, but because the emotions in these photos are hard to put my finger on and I want to get close enough to find them out. That is the reason why I love creating portraits, the connection between the person in front of my camera and what I see thru my lens is really cool and if I can make the person comfortable enough to open up to me - that's when the magic happens... When I am shooting I am trying to feel what the person in front of me is feeling or what I want the mood in the photos to be like. If I am successful at it, the difference will show in my photos. 

This upcoming weekend will be a very good one and I am getting excited! Why? Because on Saturday I am assisting with my mentor Michael Gomez as he is shooting for a modelling agency called The Avenue and on Sunday I am shooting the band Me In Motion. Fun weekend ahead!


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