
Celebrated swedish midsummer with a bunch of swede-american families. Fun night! :)

working on editing photos from a recent secret photoshoot...

I have had the pleasure of my friend Amalia's company this past week, from Sweden. It has been a great week with drive-in movie, maternity clothing shopping, restaurant visits and a trip to Memphis and Graceland!
Amalia is a very beautiful woman, and now even more beautiful with her little baby in her belly. We wanted to document this amazing time in her life with a few pictures.
tribe of midnight

Tribe of Midnight had their cd release party at the Hard Rock Cafe last night and I did their photos for the event. Here's a little sample of their live show.

Nashville is HOT! The summer is definitely here to stay. 2 weeks until I go back to Sweden for the summer, I am getting really excited! This summer I am going to eat delicious Swedish foods, hang with family and friends, shoot a wedding, work with Jesusrock festival and enjoy the nice weather (without humidity!) and the amazing nature!