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happy birthday

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear Celi, happy birthday to me! ;)

Yesterday was such an awesome rockin birthday! I turned 25, half 50 and 3/4 left of my life to live! Gonna make the best of those years. I got so celebrated and surprised and felt so loved by all my friends family and my very very amazing husband Seth Mosley. I couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate turning one year older and wiser ;) (hopefully!) Here's a picture of the birthday girl for ya! 




I got a hold of the magazine where my photo is featured from my dear mother. Thanks mom! 

Sunday is yet another great day for shooting fabulous models! This time I will be shooting a really beautiful girl with dark hair and a guy with really killer bone structure. I'm excited! Haven't been working with a ton of guys before but I have tons of ideas and creative energy that I need to use! :)

Hope you're having a happy Friday so far and enjoy your weekend! 




Last Friday I shot a beautiful model named Melissa Yanity in downtown Nashville. As usual, I worked with very talented and creative women, just the way I like it! Melissa is not yet signed to an agency but hoping to be in the future. Remember her name folks cause she's gonna go places, I am sure of it! 

Photo: by me, Model: Melissa Yanity, Assistant: Heather Elam

Thanks for checking in!


movie monday on a tuesday

Here's another video I did for Me In Motion's Movie Monday!




Went thru my email this morning and discovered that one of my photos got published in a Swedish photo magazine called Fotosidan Magasin. If you live in Sweden you can pick up the magazine here. If you want to see the photo, you can see it online here.

