eventful week

Hey guys! What an eventful past week and a half its been. Since I landed in Sweden I've been hospitalized and in the ICU for severe pneumonia and heart problems, I have spent time with family up north and in Stockholm and now I am back up north preparing for this years festival (www.jesusrock.se).
I am in serious need of rest and recovery this upcoming week so my plans will have to wait until I feel better again. Thank God for the Swedish health care system!
Here are some photos from my time so far in Sweden. It hasn't been all bad, I attended my dads wedding (pix to come) and got to spend quality time with my dear mother. Its so nice to breathe fresh air again and hear the sound of the waves.
Next week will be even better when my husband will join us for 2 weeks of vacation! Can't wait!
Hope you all are well and that you are using your sunscreen. ;)
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