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something new

I am loving my new camera! What a huge upgrade, the image quality is insane. Looking forward to posting some amazing shots in the future for ya! Excuse the crappy iPhone quality in my last post ;P 


A very happy Celi trying it out in the mirror. (even if I don't look that excited ;) )

"Time for Love"

Usually don't post pics of myself, but here you go!



Reader Comments (2)

You look breathtakingly gorgeous as usual, especially in this dress. I found a similar style online but I am not sure whether it will look the same as yours. Can you give me some advice? Thank you very much :)-<a href="">China Wii Video Games</a>
June 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChina Wii Video Games
Thanks stranger! It's a tjmaxx find ;)

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