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cosmic bowling

Its been a great weekend with friends, Indian food, cosmic bowling and church. I love bowling. Putting on those smelly shoes that hundreds of people have worn before me is great and adds to the experience. I haven't been bowling in forever. The last time was back in Sweden a year or so ago with my family and it was awesome. This time we went bowling with our friends, Kaley and Levi, who I consider my "other family". Being so far away from parents and families makes our friends and our community like an extra family, a big family. I am thankful for friends this weekend.

Ok, back to bowling. I have never tried COSMIC bowling before and it is awesome and HARD. There are strobes and black lights, loud 80's music and a lot of people having a good time. And, you can't hardly see a thing! Which makes it even more fun. I think we did pretty well, but Kaley KILLED us all. Handicapped with a knee injury, she still managed to beat all of us by far! Nice job Kaley.:)









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