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Magic hour

This month has been crazy with all the traveling! I am not complaining because I LOVE traveling and seeing new places. A couple of weekends ago we were in Seattle which is one of the coolest cities I've been to so far, we just came home from Ohio and tomorrow I'm gonna be in Germany and then Switzerland for the first time in my life. So excited! :)
I love pulling up the window blocker on the airplane and look out to find something as beautiful as this. It amazes me how vibrant the colors are and how small I am in this big world. I had a really great moment in prayer, chatting with God of how thankful I am at this very moment, the sun was rising and it was truly beautiful.
I'm about to start my day with breakfast and getting ready for today's creative work, I am recording 3 music videos for Peter Furler, fun day! More info on that coming soon :)

Have a lovely day!

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