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seattle i love you

Just got back from our bday weekend in Seattle, spent with the birthday boy who turned 24. It was such a relaxing and fun weekend and I have found a new favorite spot in the states. Seattle is top notch!

I love discovering new cities with my husband! 

Here's a few photos off my camera.

Seattle skyline from the Space Needle

The original Starbucks

Me and my best friend on a boat trip <3



Reader Comments (2)

Love the pics! Looks like you guys had a great time there. Glad you had some good weather too, from the looks of it. These pics actually make me a bit homesick...counting down until Christmas, when I get to visit home again. Glad you had a fun trip though, and thanks for posting these! :)
October 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSusie
Thank u Susie! Seattle is amazing and not at all rainy as the rumor says. We had sunny weather the whole weekend and the cold weather was a nice contrast to nashvilles humidity and heat :) I'm sure it's beautiful there during the winter. It made me homesick too cause it looks alot like Sweden!
October 19, 2011 | Registered CommenterCeli Mosley Photography

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