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Jill brooks

Hey guys! Here's some photos from my photoshoot with country-pop singer and rising star Jill Brooks! She was so much fun working with and such a talented artist. I am sure you will hear and see more from her in the near future. If you want to check out her newly released music video, click this link!

Tonight she is taking me to see the CMA Christmas show and I am really excited! I am all dolled up, very unusual for me, haha! Thanks Jill!


creative day

Had another creative and fun photoshoot today with one of my favorite models and makeup artists! Gaaah! I love this! I will post photos her veryyy soon. But for now I will just show you a few more from the "holiday shoot"! Also had a creative meeting with the lovely Melinda Eisnaugle (boss at The Avenue Agency) about the project we are working on, which you will see here very soon as well!

You like? :)

Makeup: Char Braden, Hair styling: Cintoria Franklin

Model: Katie Hancock/The Avenue Agency

Models: Katie Hancock/Katie Napier/The Avenue Agency


love my job

I think I have the best job in the world! I love waking up every morning and knowing I get to be creative and to do what I love. That is an amazing feeling. I have several projects that I am balancing right now. I am editing 3 music videos that I shot for Peter Furler, editing photos for a project with The Avenue Agency, going through a photoshoot with country pop singer Jill Brooks, working on a cd design and have another photoshoot tomorrow.

Its busy busy busy at the moment but I love it! I am so thankful for the gift of being creative. Our house is like a creative factory, with a husband who produces and writes music and different artists coming and going every day.

Model Katie Napier form a recent photoshoot

Finished a music video today with Peter Furler!

Have an AWESOME day!


black balloons

 Yesterdays photoshoot was so much fun!

Just wanna show you a sample, quick edit:

Don't forget to follow my blog at bloglovin!



Fun photoshoot today with 3 beautiful models and lots of balloons, glitter and bright colorful makeup!